In my ideal world, everyone would get along and prejudice would disappear. In the flesh it’s easy for us to discriminate: man, woman, black, white, queer, straight. It’s easy to “other” people. But if you take us all down to a skeleton level, there isn’t much difference. If we can connect to the fact that at some level deep down we’re all the same, we can’t be treating each other terribly.

All of the Esqueleto dolls are different, inspired by a piece of fabric that speaks to me. Just like looking for images in clouds, I look for faces in fabric patterns, then build the doll around that discovery. The Esqueletos owe a debt to José Guadalupe Posada and the Mexican Día de los Muertos tradition, which surrounds me here in Albuquerque. They all have their own personality, just like people. Regardless of the differences in their fabric or ornamentation, deep down they are all the same. And, of course, they always treat each other with kindness.

“Death is democratic. At the end, regardless of whether you are white, dark, rich or poor, we all end up as skeletons.”

— José Guadalupe Posada

Esqueleto dolls are 24" high when standing and 18" high when seated

Their chairs measure about 6"h x 8"w x 8"d

Esqueleto dolls are made from cotton with vintage buttons and hand painted details.

Dolls have being-ness.

If you’re interested in purchasing a doll or having the dolls in a show, please send me a note and my assistant will get back to you at his convenience.

If you’d like to be notified when the dolls are in a show, or when I release a new collection, please check the box that says “Sign up for news and updates.”