November has moved beyond it utterly. Maybe she is dead for the season in a Persephone or a phoenix kind of way. She doesn’t have limbs. She barely has a head. She is covered in mushrooms and part of a larger ecosystem. November is no longer an individual.

What would it be like to be able to disappear and recharge like nature does, like a bear hibernating? Then, in the Spring, you could emerge refreshed and hungry to engage with the world as opposed to this idea of never taking your vacation days because someone might take your job. Corporations act like a kind of community, then tell you to work 120 hours a week for the benefit of the collective. It’s the people at the top who benefit. There are mushroom colonies that are all interconnected underground. What if we were able to rely on community to sustain us in healthy ways?

Persephone was abducted to the underworld, then tricked into eating pomegranate seeds, which made her want to stay there. But November is going willingly. She wants to disappear to the world and dissolve her ego into the earth. She trusts that she will be born anew.

“[Persephone] cried with a piercing voice, calling upon her father [Zeus], the son of Kronos, the highest and the best. But not one of the immortal ones, or of human mortals, heard her voice. Not even the olive trees which bear their splendid harvest…except for the daughter of Persaios, the one who keeps in mind the vigor of nature.

— Ovid

November is 18" high when standing, and 12" high when seated

Her chair measures 5"h x 8"w x 7"d

November is made from felted wool and wood.

Dolls have being-ness.

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